Bay Zoltán Nonprofit Ltd. for Applied Research
Applied Research was established in 1992 as the first non-profit research organisation, characterised by market like features and its R&D activity is carried out in its six institutes and in 2015 has been organised in three divisions from these institutes.
At this time the company has three divisions. The Departments of the Engineering Division are located in Miskolc and Budapest, Hungary. Accordingly, the number of people in the staff of the Division has increased, at present nearly 55 people work in the Division including a PhD student. The aim of the divisions' innovative activity is to develop and adapt technologies, subsequently transferring them to market with added value. Hence, the divisions are implementing projects with strong industry focus in line with the industrial partner's needs. The Engineering Division (BAY-ENG) and within this the Department of Structural Integrity and Production Technologies is the most recognised research team in Hungary in the field of application and development of numerical methods for structural integrity. The department deals with problems related to reliable and safe operation of different structures and components. The Engineering Division has participated successfully in different types of international programs: PECO-program, COPERNICUS, INCO-COPERNICUS, NATO, TEMPUS, EU 5th and 6th Framework programs; and has also participated in several projects funded by the 7th FP.
In APAL, BZN focuses on the advances in computer modelling issues in all tasks for fracture mechanical. BZN also participates in the methodology development and in the dissemination of the results.
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