Jožef Stefan Institute
The Jožef Stefan Institute (JSI) is the leading Slovenian scientific research institute, covering a broad spectrum of basic and applied research. The staff of more than 1,000 specialises in natural sciences, life sciences, and engineering. The main areas include production and control technologies, information, communication and knowledge technologies, biotechnologies, new materials, environmental technologies, nanotechnologies, and nuclear engineering. JSI accumulates and disseminates knowledge through the pursuit of research, development, and education at the highest international level of excellence. JSI has a long tradition in developing collaborative partnerships with industry. On 3rd of July 2013, JSI became a member of the European association of nuclear assessment bodies ETSON.
The Reactor Engineering Division ( at JSI concentrates on research, education, consulting and expertise in nuclear engineering and nuclear safety of nuclear fission reactors and nuclear fusion reactors. The basic and applied research in nuclear engineering and safety also includes thermal hydrodynamic phenomena, thermal hydraulic safety analyses of design-basis and severe accidents, structural safety analyses, uncertainty evaluation of code predictions, and probabilistic safety assessment. In addition, the division staff contributes significantly to the postgraduate program in Nuclear Engineering, which is jointly conducted by the University of Ljubljana, Faculty of Mathematics and Physics and JSI.
JSI participates to all mandatory and most of non-mandatory tasks within WP2, 3 and 4 devoted to improved thermal hydraulic analyses and deterministic and probabilistic margin assessment calculations. Additionally, JSI also contributes to WP1 and 5, and is the lead participant in the advanced workshop within WP6.
SI-1000 Ljubljana